My Stuff
Re: How can we assign a bin to an Assembly item?
Edit your assembly item Scroll down to the 'Purchasing/Inventory Subtab' At the bottom of this tab, you have another sublist of Bins, Locations, & Preferred vendor Click on the 'Bin Number' Add t…1 -
Re: NetSuite Administrator Exam
If you search on NetSuite Administrator Exam study guide & Sample tests, you will find both of these are available. If you send me a PM, with your email address, I can send you both of the items …3 -
Re: How to automatically post an accrual journal entry for "royalties" per each invoice transaction?
You can reference a specific item on a JE, but you'll have to add a custom item transaction line field to the JE I wasn't very clear on my original answer: You will need to create a custom item field…1 -
Re: While performing the "Running the Bundle Deployment Wizard"
OK< then continue running the deployment wizard as usual. In the deployment guide, page down or search on 'Manual Configuration'. It sounds as though that's your only option. If you have to create…1 -
Re: NS 1099-MISC Boxes have been WRONG since 2021
The boxes are the boxes, and you can now add custom entries into the 1099 List. Marking the account and the vendor has ALWAYS been required. Otherwise, how can you tell the difference when you reimbu…1